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Embedded Linux implementation on Imote2 Platform Wireless Sensor Networks
- This is my English translated paper of the original Indonesian paper published at National Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems (CSGTEIS), Bali, 14–15 November 2013.
- The copyright has been transferred to the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, and based on the agreement, the author is allowed to upload this article to blogs and websites on the to provide the link to the copyright owner’s publication website, namely This means that all of these writings are not licensed under creative commons but copyrighted © under Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University where other people must ask for permission from us for reposting.
- Authors: Fajar Purnama, I Made Oka Widyantara, dan Nyoman Putra Sastra.
Previously, wireless sensor network (WSN) Imote2 used the Intel Platform X, SOS, and TinyOS operating systems. Now Platform X and SOS are no longer being developed, so many researchers are using TinyOS. End users of TinyOS on the Imote2 platform encounter many limitations such as implementing complex routing. Therefore the Embedded Linux community develops embedded Linux for the Imote2 platform. This paper discusses in detail the steps to embed Linux on the target, namely the Imote2…