My Technical Analysis on Forex Major and Commodity Pairs 2021

Fajar Purnama
5 min readAug 15, 2021

Major and commodity pairs are the most traded pairs in all of foreign exchange (forex). I’d love to discuss about major and commodity pairs but my knowledge are not sufficient enough. My only intention here is to practice my technical analysis while I am also blogger so share them as well. This time, I do not include the date in the title because I will be sharing monthly charts which I guess may still be relevant until the end of the year. The videos are there for those who want to learn as well by watching my process but if you only want to see the result, leave it be or go to the end of the video to enlarge. Again, before going live on my premium trading signal subscription at, I would like to practice drawing trading signals and give them for free.

Major Pairs

Major pairs said to be the driver of the forex market. They are the most active pairs with the highest volume. The owner of the currencies are the largest countries in the world. Very active and very high volume means that traders can enter big and exit at any time because there will always be other traders whom they can buy or sell to.

Euro / United States Dollar (EUR/USD)



Fajar Purnama

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